
How To Make More Money With Your Event Space

Whether you operate a conference center or special event venue, marketing your venue should be a top priority. Effective marketing strategies are integral in attracting event planners and gaining renters on a regular basis. Spacebooks Co-Founder Aina Temitayo is sharing his top tips for advertising your event venue, so you can increase its exposure, attract your target audience, and ultimately acquire more business.

Partner with APPOEMN

When it comes to marketing your event venue, networking is key. To get your name out there partner with Association of Professional Party Organizers and Event Managers of Nigeria. You can host a party to show off your venue and network with local businesses. You can do the same by partnering with any other local Event planning associations in your vicinity. Additionally, when you have a public event, see if these organizations would be interested in promoting it. By promoting your event, they can satisfy their own goal of attracting people to the town to drive local business.

Host an APPOEMN Meeting for free

Volunteer to host a local meeting for an event planning group or committee. For instance, offer to host the next APPOEMN or chapter meeting. This will get event planning professionals through your doors to see how awesome your venue is. Also consider any local, regional or national industry committees you can get involved with and position yourself as a valuable resource for planning large events.

Get Listed on a Directory

Many event planners turn to online event venue directories, such as, to find the best venues to host their events. Venues listed on are marketed to a network of over 50,000 meeting and event planners, connecting you to thousands of planners who are interested in your event space. Along with increasing your visibility, provides marketing assistance to ensure your listing is garnering leads and maximizing its potential. In addition to directories, make your venue visible in top publications, including Spacebooks blog.

Build a Following

In this digital age, it’s essential to market your venue online. Tap into social media to increase awareness of your venue and build a strong following. Create a profile for your venue on all the major social platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and Google+. Stay active on these platforms and provide incentives for meeting planners to follow and engage with you. Along with promoting your venue, share industry news and offer new insight that offers value to your audience.

Implement a robust Facebook ad campaign to target the type of event planners, businesses, and individual clientele that would be interested in your venue. For any events held at your venue, create a Twitter/Instagram hashtag. Combine your venue name with the conference title in the hashtag, so your venue becomes part of the message.

Increase Your Credibility

Establish yourself as an industry thought leader. Positioning yourself as an industry leader builds credibility and interest in your company. Build a strong reputation within the industry by presenting at regional and national conferences. Your presentations should provide meeting planners with valuable insight that will help them improve their operations, as well as put you in front of them for conversation and contact, from which leads will result.

Establish a Network of Similar Venues

Build up a network of venues that are similar to yours but in different regions of the country (i.e. Northeast, Southeast, Southwest). This network will allow you to refer planners to similar venues that are not in direct competition with you, after they have already held an event at your venue. So, if someone in lagos asks, “Do you know any similar venues that we can hold our next conference at in the North”, you can refer them to your partner venue. The other venues will return the favor and help you drive sales.


Although true of anything you’re trying to market, social proof is especially important in marketing an event venue. Prospective clients want to hear what other clients have thought of the venue, as well as how it was received by guests.

The Unique Selling Proposition

Another important factor meeting planners want to know is how your venue is unique compared the competition. In other words, how can you help make them the star for choosing your venue?

These are just some few tips on how you can maximize the earnings of your event space.To stay updated and get future tips,checkout our blog.With these tips, you can successfully market your venue, build a strong reputation, and garner more leads.Thank you.

Sun, May 28th 2023
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