
How To Host An Interactive Zoom Event

How To Host An Interactive Zoom Event

Holding an interactive Zoom meeting can be quite a task since it is a virtual activity. If you are planning a virtual event and you are wondering how to make it a bit more lively then you have come to the right place. Let’s take a look at our tips on hosting an interactive Zoom Event.

  • You should make use of Ice breakers during your event. You can start the session by asking people to introduce themselves and list 3 things about themselves and the next person has to say what the previous person had said before starting their own introduction. This would encourage participants to be attentive and to connect with one another. You can also introduce a game and have each mention something that starts with a letter or things found in a certain city, this would encourage participants to engage in the activities during the event.

  • Break out sessions are ideal for a large group. After a session you can share participants into break out groups and set tasks for each group, this would encourage networking and also a sense of teamwork amongst participants.

  • You can include workbooks in your event package and have participants use their workbook during the event and also read out parts of the workbook. This way each participant is attentive and also following the event.

  • You can also make the Participants feel like they are at a physical event by sharing your screen when speaking. This way they can see your presentation and also follow what you are saying.

  • In order to capture the attention of your audience, you might need to introduce Q&A sessions that would have rewards at the end of the event. This would not only get their attention but also lead to members of your audience feeling a sense of achievement.

In summary, it is important that you focus on ensuring that your audience feels included in the virtual activities and you can also hold a brainstorming meeting with your team/ planning committee to find out more ways your Zoom Meetings can be interactive.

Sun, May 28th 2023
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