A Church Wedding or Court Wedding: How to Plan a Wedding Post Lockdown.

We have seen an increase in Civil weddings since the news of Covid. People are ditching the large ballrooms and large crowds for a quiet office with four to six people. Ladies are ditching the traditional white gowns for colourful formal gowns. It seems our culture of celebrating marriages in a “Go Big or Go Home fashion” is slowly fading.
Though Civil Weddings are considered to be a cheaper alternative they are not the conventional way of tying the knot in Nigeria. Some decades earlier it was considered the only option for women in the fifties who saw marrying above fifty as a thing that should not be celebrated by a large group of people.
Let’s take a look at the Pros and Cons of both options.
At the Church wedding, you are most likely to get more gifts, have more friends and also have a lot of refreshment and activities. It would also mean you have to ensure your guests are social distancing and ensure your event center is allowed to hold events by the presidential task force. It would also cost a lot of money and you might even step on toes as your guest list must not be more than the maximum number stated by the event center.
With the Civil Wedding, Your wedding is a bit more intimate and you get to share your moment with a few family members and friends. It is also an affordable alternative, which means you spend less but achieve the same goal which is to legalize your love story. The only issue with the Civil Wedding is that it is quite practical and has little to no room for fairytale plans and large crowds.
When it comes to picking which option to go with you have to talk with your partner and confirm their thoughts. You also have to speak to your family and ensure they have no objections to your decision as there is a general belief in Africa that a wedding is a marriage between Families. You can also consider your budget and what would work with your budget.